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"I had no idea my salary could depend on an accurate count of the children in my community.  This isn't political - its fundamental. Help me help everyone get it right!"

Head Start Teacher 

  1. Give families a gift of WE COUNT! 

  2. Take a book walk looking at the pages together.

  3. Ask  families what they already know, and want to know about the Census.

  4. Look at the book together to find answers to questions.

  5. Offer to support them as they take the census by phone, online. or in writing.

The We Count! Strategy 

Read About WE COUNT! in  

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The Program Toolkit

Let us help you and the educators, providers and leaders of your community all get on the same page about the 2020 Census.


Many families won't answer a knock on the door - let alone trust recently hired enumerators - to help them fill out the Census forms. WE COUNT! gives "Trusted Advisors" at community agencies tools and strategies to engage families in genuine conversations -- about the Census, civic participation, and democracy.  

Engaging those across a community who already support families -such as Childcare Providers, Teachers, Nurses, Home Visitors, Family Support and Maternal and Child Health practitioners- builds upon existing social capital - to address the complex issues around the Census and being counted.

When your community launches a WE COUNT! campaign in addition to a quantity of WE COUNT! books to give to every parent - every partner agency will have online access to:   

  • Live teleconference Training of Trainer events for community trainers to then replicate these experiential training with the "trusted messengers," service providers that directly work with families, so they can: 

    • Use WE COUNT! as a tool to launch a conversation about the Census, and confidently discuss the value of being counted.

    • Identify who should be counted within a household and support families as they fill out the Census 2020 online, on a phone or in writing. 

    • Model intergenerational reading and searching in books and online  to find trustworthy advice and information about complicated issues.

  • A simple training video on core Census topics, for other practitioners who want to encourage community participation in the census. 

  • An Implementation Handbook with:

    • Partnership Planning sample emails and strategies

    • Implementation and evaluation tools.

    • A curriculum that ensures "trusted advisors" are prepared to discuss the Census with families. 

Ready to Count?

Place A Book Order Now

Planning to Count?

Organize A Community Wide Campaign

Get Started
Need Funding to Count?

Add Your Hard-To-Count Community to a "Gift Registry"

Help Others to Count?

Sponsor a Hard-To-Count Community


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Simply Put is a 501(c)3 nonprofit with a mission to bring books and engaged learning experiences to neglected audiences.

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